The working group, or WG Sport and Human Rights for short, was set up by the Ministry of Sport in 2015. The working group prepared the Sport and Human Rights Dialogue Forum (in March 2016) at the Haus des Sports, which brought together a wide range of stakeholders to discuss the national and international dimensions of the topic.
This event laid the foundation for the working group’s future work. In particular, the aim is to build a sustainable network through the working group. Through this platform, stakeholders in Austrian sport and human rights organizations should come into contact with each other and learn from each other in order to tackle human rights challenges and potentials and to define national positions in order to also have an impact at the international level.


In recent years, public criticism of human rights violations at major sporting events has increased enormously. Displacement of poor populations in the host cities, inhumane working conditions on World Cup construction sites, discrimination against LGBTIQ people in the host countries and the use of child labor in the production of sporting goods have all been denounced. The legitimacy of sport is suffering, especially against the backdrop of allegations of corruption in leading international sports associations. Due to its social and economic importance, its inclusive potential and values, the sports movement has the opportunity to lead the way in the realization of a culture of human rights, both in the context of major sporting events and at the everyday club level. Sport must not be part of the problem, but should be part of the solution. Sport, and team sports in particular, have excellent prerequisites for equality, solidarity, team spirit and taking preventative action against all forms of discrimination.


Raising awareness among the sports community and its stakeholders (associations, clubs, athletes, media, public authorities) for the consideration of human rights, especially in the run-up to award decisions and in the context of major sporting events. In the medium term, this should make Austrian grassroots and elite sport a European example of exemplary human rights and sustainability standards.


  • Regular dialogue between sports associations and human rights organizations
  • National and international networking, exchange of experience on various
    sports from a human rights perspective
  • Presentations, lectures and provision of information materials
  • Development of a workshop for multipliers in organized sport
  • Organization of round tables and events

Meetings and information

The Sport and Human Rights working group meets at regular intervals.

AG members (as at July 2024):

The working group is open to other interested members.
The results of the meetings are reported on an ongoing basis, and the coordinating body of the working group, the fairplay initiative at the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC), is available for suggestions for topics and all other questions.